Fitness for Work Assessments

A fitness for work assessment is a comprehensive and impartial psychological evaluation that assesses an individual's capability to perform their job safely and efficiently. It can be carried out before or after employment has commenced.

Typically, a fitness for work assessment is conducted when an employee has experienced an injury, illness, or a mental health issue that has affected their work performance. It may also be conducted if an individual has taken excessive sick leave, or exhibited concerning behaviour at work due to a psychological condition.

The assessment provides recommendations for interventions or limitations that can assist the individual in performing their job safely, reduce risks to themselves and others, and enhance their work performance. Moreover, it can ensure that an individual's job does not exacerbate any pre-existing health issues.


Can my employer force me to undertake a fitness for work assessment?

Employers can lawfully direct an employee to undertake a psychological assessment to determine if they are fit for work (Thompson v IGT Pty Ltd Federal Court of Australia 2008).

Where is the assessment conducted?

We conduct the assessment completely online via video, you will be sent an unique video link. Assessment sessions are not recorded. They are completely impartial and only relevant information about your fitness for work is shared with employers.

What to expect from the assessment?

Before you meet the psychologist we will send you a few questionnaires to complete. One the day of the assessment the psychologist will do a meet and greet with you, and will get an understanding on your background, your current role at work, as well as discuss any areas that you may need support with at work. We try to make the assessment as comfortable and person centred as possible so it doesn’t feel so clinical or confronting for people. After the assessment the psychologist will write a report with recommendations to your employer or the company that referred you for the assessment. The recommendations will provide some strategies that the referrer/ employer can do in order to help the employee perform to the best of their ability at work.

Contact us.


T: 02 7233 3033

We are a completely online service located in Australia.